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Friends I've had, lost and gained!!!

I've had alot of wonderful friends though out my life, remembering far back as elem school. Some has come and gone, but leaving a great mark on my heart.
Friends are a very important part in life, helping you get through your problems, being there when you call, coming to your rescue and also being there for them when they need YOU!!!
I haven't always been the greatest friend in the world, I've made many mistakes and feel I've lost some of my best-friends that still hold a special place in my life because me having to much to do or not making enough time for them...And from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry!!! Hope we can mend what we lost and still be great friends that we used to be!:)
I've always been the type of person who likes to keep to herself, staying out of the way of things. And yes it's sometimes a problem but I've been trying to breakout of my little world and not be shy to meeting new people.
I met this girl at church over a yr ago and ever since then we've been best-friends, this girl who I love, confide in, trust with everything and would do anything for!! We go to dinner just to get away and talk, we go shopping together and just love each others company.
 She found out a couple of months ago that her and her fiance, which is my good friend from high school is having their first baby. It's been a joy to me to watch her grow and her learning things that are to come of mother-hood. Me telling her about when I found out I was going to be a mommy and the things I went through during the 8 months I was pregnant(which was a hard and stressful time). I know I scared her telling her these things but things she needed to know.
I am very proud of her and how she's taking all of the things that come along with being pregnant! I can't wait to see what a wonderful parent she will be :)
She is a special person to me and I hope that I can continue to be the very best friend that I can be to her like she's been to me!!!
I love you Rach.....


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